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Grow Your Practice - Acupuncture Media Works Blog

5 Reasons to Incorporate the Report of Findings into Your Practice

5 Reasons to Incorporate the Report of Findings into Your Practice

Enjoy! Thanks for learning about the Report of Findings   For me, the Report of Findings was the cornerstone to my practice and it allowed me to get patients to go from 3-4 visits on average, to 8-12. Needless to say, when I started doing this, my practice began to grow. It’s a simple tool I wish you were taught while you were in acupuncture school. Keep growing, Jeffrey Grossman, EAMP"By building patient trust, 'selling' becomes obsolete"

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It's not about the needles, it's about building trust

It's not about the needles, it's about building trust

Today I’m going to say something that might surprise you, and it’s not a joke.In fact, it’s one of the biggest mistakes I see acupuncturists making everyday, this is because you were never taught this technique in acupuncture school. This mistake is responsible for a lot of the frustration you face trying to attract patients into your practice, and keep them around for future treatments. The simple problem is most acupuncturists are offering one thing while their patients are buying something completely different. So here’s the big idea for today: Your patients aren't buying "acupuncture" from you. What they're really...

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New-patient Generating Tool! The Power of Acupuncture Happy Hour

Acupuncture Happy Hour

New-patient Generating Tool! The Power of Acupuncture Happy Hour

We've introduced you to the powers of hosting an Acupuncture Happy Hour event and how they have the capacity to drive new patients through your doors and increase your patient referrals.I even shared a link to the training I did that talks about all of this - if you missed it, you can view it here. If you recall, an Acupuncture Happy Hour is a way for you to quickly share with people how acupuncture can help them. It serves a few powerful purposes: 1)  It introduces people to the power of what magical auricular acupuncture points can do for...

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7 Steps To Patient Attraction

7 Steps To Patient Attraction

3 Easy Steps To Personalize Your Call-to-Action Cards Choose your design  Personalize with your clinic information Hand out to attract more new patients.  Our Call-to-Action cards for Acupuncturists are designed to generate more referrals and attract new patients.

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Many people are scared of needles. What do you do?

Many people are scared of needles. What do you do?

Needle-phobia. Growing a thriving practice has plenty of challenges, no matter what particular service you provide. It’s even more complicated when you’re an acupuncturist. Fear of Needles When you’re offering a service that brings people face-to-face with their fear of needles… well that adds yet another challenge to building a successful practice. The most effective way to deal with this is through demonstration. By “showing” you are “not selling” The concept is pretty simple...When your patient can see and experience the acupuncture process and the benefits that comes from it…well, it just makes your job going forward much easier. But… How...

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