Download your free PDF Happy Hour Survey Consent Form.

We're happy to offer this download to you for free as a service to spreading the word about this powerful medicine.
DownloadLately, I’ve been noticing in Facebook groups that a lot of people have been talking about doing an acupuncture happy hour event. I can’t commend you enough, I think it is a great idea.
I’ve been doing acupuncture happy hour events at my clinic for the last 12 years. They’ve been extremely helpful in bringing new patients to my practice. Events like Acupuncture Happy Hours bring in new patient prospects.
When you host a networking event, such as a health fair or an educational talk, offer people attending the event a free mini stress reduction treatment. This has been one of the best ways for me to attract new prospects and convert them into first-time paying patients. However, there’s a process that happens in order to make that a reality.
When you host any type of acupuncture marketing event, it is important to have a strong call-to-action. A call-to-action is what you use to get people to step foot in your practice. I’ve been using the acupuncture happy hour event as an effective call-to-action to bring people into my practice.
When you invite people to an acupuncture happy hour event it introduces them to the powerful stress-reducing and anxiety-eliminating effects acupuncture offers. It takes just two meridian points to convince people that acupuncture works, point zero and ear Shen Men. Your acupuncture happy hour attendees are prospective patients and will experience an immediate shift using these two points. They will leave feeling much more relaxed and more grounded and before they go, they may even schedule an appointment with you at your clinic.
Doing a happy hour event is powerful and helps address any patient objections your attendees may have before committing to care.
Happy Hour Survey Consent Form
I want to share with you a form I use for each patient that comes in for a happy hour stress reduction treatment. This form is important because it allows you to capture specific information, and informs patients about what you are and are not doing. It also gives you tools to communicate clearly and an opportunity to introduce your services to them. They may become a first-time patient after they experience your happy hour stress reduction treatment.
You can download this survey form as a gift and you can start using in your practice right away.
The survey form is important and is something you need to use consistently in your practice. Whether you use this survey I put together for you, or you create your own, it’s really important to implement a form like this that captures patient information so you can better inform them how you can help them reach their health goals. This survey allows you to see what your patient’s commitment level is. Having a survey like this is imperative. I’m glad I’m able to gift this to you. Enjoy it and use it in your practice.
Until next time, keep the good Qi flowing. Hold as many acupuncture happy hour events as you can throughout the year as both stress and anxiety are high for most people these days. It’s an amazing way to get new patients in your door, reactivate inactive patients and keep your current patients relaxed and stress-free. Enjoy.
Talk soon,
Jeffrey Grossman, EAMP