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A Simple 3-Step Patient Referral process

Getting patient referrals is one of the most effective ways to build a stable, consistent and successful practice for these three reasons:

Getting patient referrals is one of the most effective ways to build a stable, consistent and successful practice for these three reasons:

1) It’s practically free or comes at a very low cost
2) Referral patients tend to be very loyal, repeat patients
3) You build a practice of like-minded, committed patients

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Step 1:
For every new patient you get, mail out a “New Patient Welcome Letter.” And in the letter include a gift certificate or call-to-action card.

Step 2:
When the referred patient  comes in for his or her appointment, send out  a “Referral Thank You Letter” plus enclosing a couple more gift certificates to the patient who gave you the referral.

Step 3:
When the new patient (from Step 1) refers a second person to you, you will send out a second  “Referral Thank You Letter” (and again enclose gift certificates).

You will continue this process for every patient referral you receive.

Here are some tips to keep in mind:
For the best response, you’ll want to write out your patient’s name and address in your own handwriting on the envelope. This adds a personal touch and makes it more likely the patient will open your letter.

I included a few letters that are copyright-free. Please feel free to edit them as you see fit.

On your gift certificates and call-to-action cards, be sure to include the discount amount, your name, address, phone number, clinic hours, payment types accepted and best way to reach you to schedule an appointment (i.e. via phone or online scheduling).

This will make it easier for your new patient referral to book an appointment with you.

FREE DOWNLOAD - Patient Referral Letter

Thanks for downloading this referral letter, I hope this helps streamline and simplify your patient referral process. You can use this for snail mail or email. It works both ways.

Let me know how it goes and what response you receive from using it. You can reach me here.

Send referral letters out on a regular basis, especially to your inactive patients. Feel free to edit this letter as you see fit for your practice. And do not forget to include a call-to-action to help motivate referrals into your door.

You can also consider including the following items with this letter:

If you need some extra help with implementation or marketing your practice, I would be more than happy to jump on a free 15-minute coaching call with youChoose the best time that works for you.

Until Next Time
Jeffrey Grossman, EAMP
“Make it easy for patients to refer new patients to your practice”

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