Acupuncture and IBS Powerpoint Presentation
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Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) affects 1 out of 5 adults. It is a common health concern that acupuncture can effectively treat.
But, do your patients and perspective patients know that?
Now we have made it easier than ever to explain how acupuncture can help with IBS.
One of the most effective ways to attract new patients is by giving a health class or lecture.
With our Acupuncture and IBS PowerPoint Presentation we have made it easier than ever. This PowerPoint presentation has over 30 colorful slides that can help you create a clear and succinct presentation to one patient or many patients.
This interactive PowerPoint presentation is perfect for:
- Talks/Lectures
- Office display
- Health class
- Screening
- Initial visit
BONUS: This presentation also comes with 12 bonus slides for you to conduct a health care workshop. It includes over 6 different acupressure points, their locations and functions, along with images. We have also included breathing exercises and other techniques, so you can teach an informative workshop that empowers your patients and the public to get well and stay healthy.
All of our PowerPoint presentations can be fully customized to with your clinic information. You can even change and add to existing slides.
System requirements are: Microsoft PowerPoint 2000 or newer for PC or MAC.
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