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Acupuncture and Sports - Acupuncture Brochures

Acupuncture and Sports - Brochure

$29.69 $32.99

8 1/2 x 11 full color brochures. Pack of 50.

Injuries are a common byproduct of sporting activities.

Our brochure seeks to enlighten athletes and fitness enthusiasts about the advantages of acupuncture, its functionality, and its efficacy in treating injuries and enhancing performance.

The 'Acupuncture & Sports' brochure discusses pain, strain, and stiffness within the framework of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) principles, along with the consequences of neglecting these issues. It further elucidates how acupuncture can foster health, alleviate pain, and bolster performance.

Use this brochure to:

  • Distribute at local gyms via mail or in person
  • Send to physical therapists, massage therapists, orthopedic doctors, and sports coaches in schools
  • A dedicated area on the back flap provides room for personal customization, be it through a stamp, business card, or label.

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