Liver & Gallbladder Organ Sheet - Digital Version
Paper Version - Pack of 25
Organ health sheets take patient education to a whole new level.
Each colorful sheet focuses on a specific meridian system providing you with a practice building tool that will inform, educate and empower your patient as he/she progresses along the path of wellness.
On each sheet, in clear, easy to understand language, your patients will discover the functions of specific organs according to Western and Eastern medicine, along with information describing the physical and emotional symptoms when a particular organ system is out of balance. Also included is a list of foods to add or avoid, associated with each meridian system, plus other relevant meridian associations.
On the backside, acupressure points and meridian exercises are presented that can be prescribed by you to increase patient compliance, boost self-care and enhance healing.
Here are a few ways to use the organ health sheets:
Hand them out according to a patients' particular imbalance.
Mail them out with a letter each season as a gentle "Seasonal Change" reminder.
Empower your patients with monthly self-care tips, and include them with your newsletter.
Use as a “syllabus” for a monthly or seasonal health care class and hand one out to each participant.
8.5 x 11, full color on both sides. Pack of 25.
Would you like a set of all 5 Organ Sheets? Click here.
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